Apa Sing Diisi Cepet?

Kayane saben telpon anyar janjeni ngisi daya luwih cepet, nanging apa tegese standar sing beda, lan apa padha cepet?

Ngerti Ngisi daya Cepet Sampeyan
Being able to quickly charge your phone or tablet can mean the difference between hours of care-free use or scrambling to find the nearest coffee shop for a power outlet. Fast charging is an increasingly popular feature that allows you to power up your device in just a fraction of the time it takes to do it the old-fashioned way. But not all products use the same type of fast charging—and not all chargers support the various standards. Here's what you need to know to make sure you're getting the fastest charge possible.

Output saka muatan diukur ing ampere lan voltase. Amperage (utawa arus) yaiku jumlah listrik sing mili saka batere menyang piranti sing nyambung, dene voltase minangka kekuwatan arus listrik. Nambah voltase kanthi amp menehi wattage, ukuran total tenaga.

Kanggo ngisi daya piranti kanthi luwih cepet, umume produsen nggawe listrik utawa nggunakake voltase kanggo nambah energi potensial. Umume standar pengisian daya sing cepet biasane beda-beda kanthi voltase tinimbang nambah amperage.

Standard USB 3.0 ports output at a level of 5V/1A for smaller devices like wearables. Most phones and other devices are capable of handling 5V/2.4A. For fast charging, you're looking at something that bumps the voltage up 5V, 9V, 12V, and beyond, or increases amperage to 3A and above.

Elinga, piranti sampeyan mung bakal nggunakake daya kaya sirkuit pengisian daya sing dirancang. Kanggo ngisi daya cepet supaya bisa digunakake, sampeyan butuh telpon utawa piranti liyane kanthi sirkuit pengisian daya sing bisa nggunakake salah sawijining standar pengisian daya sing cepet, lan adaptor lan kabel aktif kanggo standar sing padha.

Jinis Pangisi daya USB Pangisi daya Cepet

Ayo kita ndeleng pangisi daya cepet sing beda kanggo macem-macem telpon

1. Pangisi daya Cepet Apple 18W USB C Pangisi daya cepet
Starting with the iPhone 8, all of Apple's phones support fast charging. Unless you own an iPhone 11 Pro or 11 Pro Max, however, you're probably using one of Apple's slow 5W adapters to charge your phone.

Apple nggunakake Pangiriman Daya USB kanggo ngisi daya kanthi cepet, lan negesake sampeyan bakal bisa nambah 50 persen umur batere mung sajrone 30 menit. Kanggo entuk kacepetan iki, sampeyan kudu nggunakake paling ora adaptor 18W nganggo kabel USB-C-to-Lightning. Adaptor sing luwih kuat ora bakal ngrusak telpon sampeyan, nanging ora bisa mbantu. Kita nyedhaki Apple kanggo nemtokake adaptor sing paling kuat, antrian iPhone bakal didhukung, nanging perwakilan kanggo perusahaan kasebut ujar manawa ora ngumumake spesifikasi pengisian daya maksimum.

That said, you can't go wrong with our 18W USB C quick charger for US plug and pangisi daya USB C 18W cepet kanggo plug EU


2. Umume telpon pas Qualcomm Quick Charge
The most common fast charging standard is Qualcomm's Quick Charge because of the widespread nature of the company's chipsets. That said, many of the phones that support newer Quick Charge standards aren't sold in the US.

Quick Charge 3.0 minangka salah sawijining protokol pengisian daya cepet sing umum digunakake ing midra, lan Quick Charge 3+ nggawa kacepetan sing padha karo telpon tengah kanthi sawetara chipset Qualcomm Snapdragon 700-series. Quick Charge 4+ minangka standar emas global saiki kanggo unggulan sing ora nggunakake teknologi pangisi daya cepet tertutup. Saben standar kompatibel karo sing sadurunge, mula kabel lan adaptor sing luwih lawas isih bisa digunakake.

Apa APS kanggo QC 3.0


Apa Sampeyan Perlu Ngisi daya Cepet

Depending on the device you have, the fast charging standard you're able to use will vary. Check what your phone supports, then look at your wall adapter to see if it supports the same standard (they're usually labeled). Then make sure your cable is compatible (you're best off using one the one that come with your phone or adapter). If you need to buy a new wall adapter, cable, or wireless charging pad, take note of what standard it supports.

Wektu kiriman: Nov-27-2020