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Establita en 2007, Altnivela Produkto Solvo Teknologio CO., LTD (APS). situas en Dongguan, Guangdong, Ĉinio. APS proponoj kvalito servo de endoma pionira dezajno, sourcing, fabrikado, kontrolo de kvalito kaj loĝistiko. Ni estas tutmonda provizanto provizas escepta Potenca Provizo de koncepto al livero ĉiuj sub unu tegmento.

APS estas farita al estanta kondukante provizanto de novigaj kaj alta kvalito potenco solvoj inkluzive de Potenca Provizo, Open Kadro Power Supply (PCBA), kaj kutimo pionira eletronic produktoj. Ni proponas la plej larĝa gamo de potenco produktoj, profesia teknika & kliento subteno, kaj kosto redukto programoj.

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    The original protection function composed of separate components makes the powered wall charger more complete. For example, power adapters with an output power of around 72W, such as 12V6A and 24V3A wall chargers, have more than 150 components in their circuits. The assembly and debugging processes of these circuits are complex and intimidating. Despite the theoretical maturity of advanced controlled USB chargers, their widespread application in small and medium-sized devices and household el...


    The common terms used in power adapters are: Output Voltage: the voltage that the adapter outputs to power the device. Output Current: the amount of current that the adapter outputs to power the device. Input Voltage: the voltage that the adapter requires from the power source to operate. Input Current: the amount of current that the adapter requires from the power source to operate. Power Rating: the maximum amount of power that the adapter can supply to the device. Efficiency: the ratio of...

  • Solutions for Charger Failure to Charge

    We Announces Solutions for PD Charger Failure to Charge APS is a leading provider of charging technology solutions, has announced the launch of new products aimed at addressing the issue of PD charger failure to charge. PD chargers, or Power Delivery chargers, are a popular type of charger that use USB-C connections to deliver high-speed charging to devices such as smartphones, tablets, and laptops. However, when these chargers fail to charge, it can be frustrating for users who rely on them...


    APS Specializing in PCB circuit board production, SMT patch processing, DIP plug-in, PCBA testing, finished product assembly, packaging logistics and other one-stop electronic manufacturing services! High Quality Plate Quality Process PCB Assembly sample, small batch users all choose to order in the short order. Help engineers to better and faster complete PCBA R&D tasks, and quickly achieve PCBA manufacturing and help customers to win the best time for listing and gain a competitive adva...